Copyright © The Crossian Voice
Design by Dzignine
Tuesday, October 25, 2011




"Non nobis Domine, sed nomini tuo da gloriam
(Not to us, Lord, but to your Name be all glory)

We, the Crossian Voice Organization of the Holy Cross of Davao College, Inc., asking for the aid of the Holy Trinity to inspire and guide us in making the Liturgical celebrations active, conscious, meaningful and fruitful through our ministry as Liturgical Music Ministers in consonance with the Liturgical direction of the Archdiocese of Davao, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution and By-Laws.

Section 1:     The organization shall be known as THE CROSSIAN VOICE ORGANIZATION of the Holy Cross of Davao College, Inc., College department.

Section 2:     The organization is one of the Religious clubs of the school under the umbrella of the HCDC Campus Ministry Office as Liturgical Music Ministers.


Section 1:     The main objective of the Crossian Voice is to serve as agents of active participation by leading the assembly (HCDC Community) in singing the praises of God during Liturgical celebrations (cf. General Instruction of the Roman Missal 103) and other religious activities.


Section: 1                 QUALIFICATIONS:

a.)  Membership shall be open to all students currently enrolled at HCDC.
b.)   The student should be a Baptized Catholic and in good standing with the school as outlined by the Student’s handbook.
c.)   He/ she has the commitment to serve as Liturgical Music Minister and should pass the qualifying audition and interview conducted by the screening committee.
d.)  He/ she must not be a member of other choir/ chorale group within the school (If there is another existing chorale group in HCDC).
e.)  One should at least active in 3 clubs or organization including the Crossian Voice in a given school year.

Section 2:                 RENEWAL OF MEMBERSHIP

The members should undergo the following before they can renew their membership:

a.)  An interview conducted by the moderator to determine if the member is still qualified to renew his/ her membership.
b.)  Formation like recollection and seminar/ workshop intended for the Liturgical Music Ministers and the Rite of Sending Forth.

c.)   Settlement of all past accounts in the organization.


                         Section1:      The organization shall be guided by a moderator whose   designation is approved by the HCDC Campus Ministry Office and of the Office of the Student Affair
Section 2:     The organization shall be composed of the following Liturgical Music Ministers: Choir, Instrumentalists or organists, Cantors, Psalmists and Music Director/ Trainer. The set of officers shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Auditor, Public Information Officer ( P. I. O )and Business Manager

Section 3:     The officers of this organization shall be elected by the members and shall not hold two or more positions.
Section 4:     No member shall become an officer if his / her general average is below 80 %, he / she is on a probationary status and/or he/she has disciplinary records with the school.
Section 5:     Any officer who will give up his / her post should submit a formal letter of resignation address to the moderator.

Duties and Powers of the Officers

Section 1:                                      The PRESIDENT
a.    Shall call and preside all meetings unless he/ she is obtained unavoidable circumstances during his / her office.
b.    Shall be responsible for the management of the organization.
c.    Shall sign and countersign documents and receipts of the organization in- line to its purpose.
d.    Shall prepare and submit plan for the year’s activity/ activities in line to its purpose and report the achievements thereof.
e.    Shall act as the spokesperson and/or representative of the organization to the administration, the faculty and the School Supreme Student Government.
f.     Shall appoint various committees of which the organization may conceive in the course of business and do a regular function.
g.    Shall perform other duties inherent in this organization.

Section 2:                                      The VICE – PRESIDENT
a.    In case of absence or resignation of the president, the Vice- President shall act as the president and shall be vested with the powers and authority inherent in the office of the president.
b.    Shall assist and coordinate with the president and other members in the management of the organization.
c.    Shall perform other duties inherent in this office.

Section 3:                                      The SECRETARY
a.    Shall take all the minutes of each meeting. 
b.    Shall take care of all documents of the organization.
c.    Shall prepare written reports, resolutions and achievements report.
d.    Shall prepare the agenda and minutes thereof.
e.    Shall check the attendance of the members.
f.     Shall perform other duties inherent in this office.

Section 4:                                      The ASSISTANT SECRETARY
a.    In case of absence or resignation of the secretary, the assistant Secretary shall act as the secretary and shall be vested with the powers and authority inherent in the office of the secretary.
b.    Shall assist and coordinate with the secretary.
c.    Shall perform other duties and power inherent in this office.

Section 5:                                      The TREASURER
a.    Shall be responsible in keeping all the funds and other contributions of the organization by depositing them in the bank as mandated by the SSG.
b.    Shall sign any withdrawals and disbursement of money upon the approval of the Club President and the Club Moderator.
c.    Shall coordinate with the Auditor in preparation of the financial statement of the Crossian Voice.
d.    Shall update members regarding the Financial Status of the organization during official meetings.
e.    Shall have the custody and accountability for all funds and financial records of the organization.
f.     Shall perform such other duties and powers inherent in this office.

Section 6:                                      The ASSISTANT TREASURER
a.    In case of absence or resignation of the Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer shall act as Treasurer and shall be vested with the powers and authority inherent in this office of the Treasurer.
b.    Shall assist and coordinate with the Treasurer.
c.    Shall perform other duties and powers inherent in this office.

Section 7:                                      The AUDITOR
a.    Shall audit all financial records of the Crossian Voice.
b.    Shall submit audited reports to the organization.
c.    Shall perform other duties and powers inherent in this office.

Section 8:                                      The BUSINESS MANAGER
a.    Shall manage in the preparation of any activities undertaken by the Crossian Voice together with the President.
b.    Shall see to it that all committees are functioning.
c.    Shall perform other duties and powers inherent in this office.

Section 9:                                      The PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER
a.    Shall take charge of any news of achievements, developments, projects and the like of the organization to be submitted for publication.
b.    Shall be responsible in the orientation of the new members  and to explain to them the existing constitution and by –laws of the organization.
c.    Shall perform other duties and powers inherent in this office.

Rights and Duties of the Members

Section 1: Every member shall have the following rights:
a.    To receive formation not only in Liturgical Matters but also in Christian life and Spirituality.
b.    To nominate and vote a candidate during the annual election of officers of the Crossian Voice.
c.    To assess their own financial records from the organization.
d.    To participate in any activity of the organization.
e.    To share and air their grievances, complaints and opinions during meetings.
f.     To ask financial help from the organization in times of disaster.

Section 2: Every member shall have the following duties:
a.    To cooperate willingly in every activity which is in line to the ministry of the organization within the school or outside if needed.
b.    To be present in every meeting, rehearsal and activity conducted by the organization. An active member shall be one who: 1.) attends seventy-five percent of general assembly meetings and rehearsals; 2.) pays monthly due and whatever obligation agreed and voted upon by the general body; and 3.) participated in the different activities conducted by the organization.
c.    To preserve the good name of the organization and avoid any actuation that can cause damage to the name of the organization and the school.
d.    To be responsible in maintaining and enhancing the harmonious relationship and understanding among members.
e.    To be a role model to the school community.
f.     To be a good observant and follower of the existing constitution and by-laws of the organization.

Section 3:     Each member shall observe the following during Eucharistic celebrations and other religious activities:
a.    To be in the venue (Church, Gym or chapel) at least 15 minutes before the Mass.
b.    To wear proper dress code. (School uniform during school days or attire agreed upon by the group during special occasions like Graduation)
c.    To participate actively in the Liturgical actions especially in singing and in Mass responses.
d.    To observe proper actuation during the celebration.


Major Duties and Responsibilities of the Moderator and Music Director (Trainer)

Section 1:    Major duties and responsibilities of Moderator:
a.    To assist the students in the formulation of the club’s goals and objectives and in the planning and implementation of club activities supportive of the school’s mission and thrusts.
b.    To see to it that the students establish a healthy balance between their studies and club activities.
c.    To encourage cooperation and participation of all members in the club’s programs and promotes camaraderie and Christian fellowship among the club members.
d.    To meet club officers regularly to assess the club’s activities.
e.    To be the liaison officer between the school administration and students in club-related matters and problems.
f.     To be directly responsible to the Campus Ministry Office and to the Office of the Student Affairs for all the activities of the club.
g.    To supervise the use of club funds based on proper accounting procedures.
h.    To authorize club circulars and other official campus communications.
i.      To secure written permission from parents or guardians and endorsement from the Campus Ministry Office and of the Office of the Student Affairs for official out-of-school club activities.

Section 2:    Major duties and responsibilities of Music Director/ Trainer:  
a.    To work collaboratively with other ministers and help select musical settings that allow the worthy celebration of the liturgy, respecting the different nature of the texts and actions of the liturgy, the feast and the liturgical seasons. (GIRM, 111,352,366; Sacramentum Caritatis, 42)
b.    To continually search and create music of quality for worship.
c.    To train the Liturgical Music Ministers regularly.
d.    To update on Liturgical Music and attend the regular meeting of all Liturgical Choir coordinators of the Archdiocese of Davao conducted by the Liturgical Music desk of the Archdiocesan Liturgical center.

Section 1:     General meeting of all members shall be done every last Thursday of the month from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Officers meeting shall be done Tuesday before the general meeting from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Section 2:     The order of business of any meeting of the Organization shall be as follows:

a.    Opening Prayer (Choir’s prayer)
b.    Welcoming

Meeting proper:
a.    Reading, Correction and Approval of minutes
b.    Business arising
c.    President’s Report
d.    Treasurer's Report
e.    Report of Designated Officers
f.     New Business
g.     Moderator’s time
h.    Announcements
    1. Date and Time of Next Meeting
    2. Other Announcements
i.      Closing Prayer/ Adjournment

Section 3:     Regular rehearsals/ practices shall be done every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m or any day as the need arises.

Section 4:     The Crossian Voice shall serve the Liturgical celebrations of the school during monthly Masses, Educator’s day, Graduation Masses, Novena and Fiesta Masses and other religious activities of the school.

Sections 5:   The organization can also extend other services in and outside the school as long as the said activities are Liturgical in nature and will not affect the classes and academic standing of the members with the approval of the Moderator and of the Office of the Campus Ministry, School Chaplain and Office of the Student Affairs.

Section 6:     A notice shall be posted at the Crossian Voice Bulletin Board at least 2 days before each meeting with the signature of the President and of the moderator.

Election and Tenure

Section 1:  The election of officers shall be needed and will be held every last Saturday of February.
Section 2:  Elected officers shall hold office for a term of one ( 1) year. The term of office shall be terminated after the school year ends. All of the officers of the Crossian Voice may run for re-election.
Section 3: In case of unexpected vacancy, a special election shall be held and the new officers assume the remaining term of office.
Section 4: A committee on election shall be created by the President whose members be nominated and elected by the members.
Section 5:The COMELEC is composed of the chairman and two (2) members.
Section 6:The election shall be conducted by secret ballots.
Section 7:Absent members shall not be nominated.
Section 8:A quorum consists of a majority of the total membership. A majority of those present elect on office. The presence of the majority, ½ plus 1 of the total members is a quorum.


Section 1:     The amount of dues for each member of the Organization shall be recommended by the Treasurer and accepted by a two-thirds vote of the Organization no later than the second rehearsal of the beginning of each school. Dues shall be paid every semester no later than the time specified by the general body of the Organization.


Section 1:     The Organization shall have the power to discipline its members for violation of the Organization's Constitution and By-Laws.
Section 2:     Any member found to be performing activities against the organization’s main objective or any of the provisions of this constitution will be suspended or automatically out from the organization after due process.

The Crossian Voice Alumni

Section 1:The Alumni of the organization are composed of the officers and members of the Crossian Voice who graduated from Holy Cross of Davao College.

Section 2:The Crossian Voice Alumni may extend their support to the organization financially, morally and spiritually with proper coordination with the moderator and of the Campus Ministry Office.


Section 1:This constitution and by-laws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of this organization at which a quorum is present by the affirmative vote of ½ plus 1 of the members present in person and voting provided by the body has previously considered the merits of the amendments.


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